
Religion, Education and Society: European Policy in Practice (National Institute for Studies in Education (NISE)
This research builds on the output of key European projects and policy documents that influence practices in education about religions and beliefs across Europe. These documents emphasise the role of religion in promoting democracy, conflict resolution, active citizenship, intercultural engagement, social cohesion, and anti-racist education (OECD, 2007; Council of Europe, 2014; Jackson, 2018).
The study aims to review key policy documents from Ireland and the European Union that address the societal role of religion. It also seeks to collect data on policies and practices related to religion and education from three internationally recognised European Centres of Excellence located in the UK, Germany, and Belgium.
In addition, the research focuses on developing an innovative dialogue network to connect policymakers and practitioners in Ireland with their counterparts across Europe. By situating Ireland’s policies and practices within a broader European framework, the study incorporates insights from innovative European policies and best practices. Finally, the research disseminates its findings at national and European levels to foster ongoing collaboration and networking.
This research is supported by the Seed Fund for Research (2021–22) (UL/MIC).

SCoTENS Seed & NISE Research Projects Steering Committee for the study entitled: Perceptions of Tertiary Student Stakeholders’ Awareness of Religious and Belief Diversity in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland’ (2017-Present):
The research focuses on students’ awareness of religions and beliefs across the island of Ireland in times of fear, growing intolerance and hate crime/speech; and how we can best respond to ‘difference’ in terms of policy impact and professional practice(s). This research is led by Prof. Marie Parker-Jenkins, University of Limerick & Dr Patricia Kieran, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
SCoTENS Seed Funding for Research Project: Teacher Well-Being and Diversity: Managing language and social diversity in classrooms (2016):
This project sought to develop innovative activities and share promising practices related to teacher well-being in schools characterized by diversity in terms of both multilingualism and socio-economic disadvantage. This research study was conducted through a collaboration between schools and universities North and South in Ireland. Research output: Teachers’ Pedagogical Work and Well-being Research Report. Seed Funded SCoTENS Research Project Report – published September 2019. Article in the ISI journal: Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. Accepted for publication, March 2021.

Global Citizenship Education Intervention:
This research begins by building on the extensive output of key European projects and policy documents that influence practices in Education about Religions & Beliefs across Europe. These documents highlight the role of religion as a driver for democracy, conflict resolution, active citizenship, intercultural engagement, social cohesion, and anti-racist education (OECD 2007; Council of Europe 2014, 2016; Jackson 2018). The study has several objectives:
- Review key policy documents from ROI and the EU regarding the societal role of religion.
- Collect data on policies and practices related to religion and education from three internationally recognized European Centres of Excellence (in the UK, Germany, and Belgium).-
- Develop an innovative dialogue network among policymakers and practitioners in Ireland and other European countries.
- Situate ROI policy and practice within a broader European framework, drawing on innovative insights from European policies and best practices.
- Disseminate findings at national and European levels to foster ongoing collaboration and networking.
This research is supported by the Seed Fund for Research (2021-22) (UL/MIC).

SCoTENS Seed Funding for Research Project: Teacher Well-Being and Diversity: Managing language and social diversity in classrooms (2016):
This project aimed to design innovative initiatives and disseminate promising practices to support teacher well-being in schools marked by diversity, including multilingualism and socio-economic challenges. The research was a collaborative effort between schools and universities in both Northern and Southern Ireland. Key outputs include the Teachers’ Pedagogical Work and Well-being Research Report as part of the seed-funded SCoTENS Research Project, published in September 2019, and an article in the ISI journal Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, accepted for publication in March 2021.

SCoTENS Seed & NISE Research Projects Steering Committee for the study entitled: Perceptions of Tertiary Student Stakeholders’ Awareness of Religious and Belief Diversity in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland’ (2017-Present):
The research focuses on students’ awareness of religions and beliefs across the island of Ireland in times of fear, growing intolerance and hate crime/speech; and how we can best respond to ‘difference’ in terms of policy impact and professional practice(s). This research is led by Prof. Dr. Marie Parker-Jenkins, University of Limerick & Dr Patricia Kieran, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.

Religion, Education and Society: European Policy in Practice (National Institute for Studies in Education (NISE):
The starting point for this research is the considerable output of significant European projects and policy documents impacting on practice in the area of Education about Religions & Beliefs in Europe which position religion as a force for democracy, conflict resolution, active citizenship, intercultural engagement, social cohesion & anti-racist education (OECD 2007, Council of Europe 2014, 2016, Jackson 2018). The research aims to: 1) Review of key ROI & EU policy documents on the role of religion in society 2) Gather data on policy and practice on religion and education at three internationally recognised European Centres of Excellence (UK/Germany/Belgium) 3)Develop an innovative network of dialogue among policy makers and practitioners in Ireland and European countries, 4) Locate policy and practice in ROI in a wider European context while drawing on innovative findings from European policy and best practice, and finally disseminate the research findings at National and European level to facilitate on-going network and collaboration (Seed Fund for Research (2021-22). (UL/MIC)

Strategic Alignment of Teaching & Learning Enhancement (SALTE):
This project explores the impact of online pedagogies on students’ content and pedagogical content knowledge and to examine the quality of teaching of students on school placement after a fully online teaching and learning experience in the pandemic. The aims of this study are two-fold: 1) Investigating the impact of online pedagogies on students’ content and pedagogical content knowledge; 2) Exploring pedagogical strategies to adapt online pedagogies for students with connectivity issues will be investigated (Centre for Transformative Learning, UL) (2021-2022).
Poster presentation at the National Forum for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education at the VIT&L
https://www.teachingandlearning.ie/wp-content/uploads/23-VITALSC01UL03-Learning.pdf Teaching & Learning Showcase 2021

Global Education in Europe: Making connections between Irish and European Policy and Practice in Religion and Education:
A review of the policy arena relating to religion and education in Germany will be conducted. Religious research centres of excellence in Germany, Belgium & UK will be visited (post pandemic). (UL/MIC Collaboration). The aim is to make connections between Irish and European policy and practice in Religion and Education and to gain new knowledge and build connections with other researchers in this field. A seminar will be arranged (online) to disseminate the findings from this study (December 2021). (European Education Research Association/Global Education Network Europe, 2021-2023).

University–School Research Project : Teacher Learning Communities and Teacher Reflexivity (2019-2021):
A research project that explores teacher learning communities in the context of a disadvantaged urban second-level school, for nurturing and promoting teacher reflexivity. The findings will be disseminated in a peer reviewed publication in an education journal. In addition, online platforms will also be used to share the findings. This research received funding from the John Coolahan Research Support Framework (December 2019), a national award which the Teaching Council awards for high quality research. A paper is to be presented at the next Irish Education Studies Conference in March 2021. A presentation of the project took place at the Teaching Council Teaching & Learning Festival in 2020 ((Online Event).

Erasmus + International Research Project: Teachers' Pedagogical Well-being (3-year project) (2016-2019):
Successfully secured an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership EU award, together with OsloMet University, Norway as coordinator, and University College Copenhagen, Denmark, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, and University of the Western Cape, South Africa, as partners. The title of the project is 'Teacher Well-Being and Diversity: Managing language and social diversity in classrooms'. Each Higher Education institution involved with the project has aligned with a partner school. This research project captures what contributes to teacher pedagogical well-being, especially in terms of pedagogy, notwithstanding the challenging and difficult contexts that teachers can work in. Project activities were conducted through national and international university-school partnerships. There are several research outputs from this project: 1) A Manual for Teachers in diverse educational settings – completed August 2019; 2) Article in the ISI journal: European Education Research Journal. Paper submitted, March 2021).
PATH Strand 1 – Initial Teacher Education (2023-2025).
" Projects
1) Co-PI with colleagues in the School of Education at the University of Limerick
2) Co-PI with colleagues from University of Limerick/Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
Higher Education Authority (HEA) PATH 1 Initiative: School of Education Study on Student Engagement and Experience(€89,626).
The objectives of this PATH funded research study are to increase the number of students from under-represented groups entering initial teacher education at the School of Education in the University of Limerick, Ireland; and provide more role models for students from these groups, demonstrating that there are pathways open to them to realise their potential through education.
There are two strands to this research project:
Student Engagement & Experience According to Students.
This strand of research will employ a mixed-methods approach to collect and analyse data that captures how students perceive their engagement in, and experiences of becoming a teacher.
2. Student Engagement & Experience According to Teacher Educators.
This strand of research will employ a mixed-methods approach to collect and analyse data that captures teacher educators’ perceptions of student engagement and experiences of becoming a teacher.
Training Activities (Erasmus Projects)
In 2021, I participated in a training programme in Greece focused on creating eLearning platforms, complemented by a workshop on trauma-informed teaching. This initiative was funded by the Erasmus+ project MaMLiSE (Majority and Minority Languages in School Environments: Helping Teachers, Pupils, and Parents, project code: 2020-1-PL01-KA201-081612). More information about the project can be found on its webpage - https//mamlise.home.amu.edu.pl
The MaMLiSE project was awarded the prestigious European Language Label in 2024, recognising its innovative contributions to multilingual education through creativity, community engagement, and innovative methodologies. Between 2020 and 2023, the MaMLiSE team focused on transforming schools into inclusive environments that support all students, regardless of their linguistic background. The team also developed resources to help teachers manage linguistically diverse classrooms and assist parents in fostering multilingualism at home.

Other Research Projects

Empirical research project conducted with Prof. Marie Parker–Jenkins (2011-2013): Responding to Cultural Diversity in Irish Schools:
This research study focuses on the challenges facing educationalists in responding to cultural diversity within an Irish context. Drawing on empirical research conducted in a selection of Irish schools, the discussion focuses on a number of practical issues, namely, school dress, curriculum content, and academic attainment. The findings are explored in detail before the implications for current policy and practice in Ireland are discussed.
Research output: ISI article published in 2013. This publication has a high citation index.Experience of researching intercultural communication and linking it with foreign language instruction within classroom contexts in Ireland and abroad (PhD study) collaborating with Prof. Claudia Finkbeiner, University of Kassel, Germany. This empirical study explores the effects of the ABCs model on students learning.Conducted research on language learning strategies, which support effective language learning and the development of learner autonomy (Master’s Degree study, 1999). The findings of this study have contributed to German teachers’ knowledge on how to foster more autonomous language learners through the delivery of workshops at Teacher Education Centres and at the annual German teachers’ association conference.

The Erasmus+ K2 MaMLiSE Project (Majority and Minority Languages in School Environments: Helping teachers, pupils and parents (MaMLiSE, 2020-1-PL01-KA201-081612) is an exciting project addressing the challenges posed by migration society in the context of majority and minority languages in school environments.
This interdisciplinary collaborative initiative involves partners from the University of Limerick, Ireland and several international partners from Poland, Germany, and Greece.
The team visited the Intercultural School of Ioannina in Greece that caters for pupils from a refugee background to understand how best to support the education of pupils from refugee and minority language backgrounds. Teaching materials and supporting resources have been created and piloted over the three-year project duration. These materials are designed to address the social, cultural, and psychological needs of children from a refugee background.
An educational online e-learning platform has been developed. Access the e-learning platform is at the following link: https://mamlise.home.amu.edu.pl/?page id=76.
If you're interested in delving deeper into the "Majority and Minority Languages in School Contexts: Helping teachers, pupils, and parents" project, click on the link: https://mamlise.home.amu.edu.pl/
The open access book titled "Promoting Multilingual Practices in School and Home Environments" is available for free download at https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/book/10.14220/9783737015639.
This project marks a significant step towards fostering inclusive education and equipping educators with the tools needed to navigate diverse linguistic and cultural landscapes. Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your teaching practices and contribute to creating a more inclusive educational environment!
The University of Limerick team hosted the European partners on the MaMLiSE Project in May 2022. Currently a series of training workshops for post-primary teachers in in language-sensitive teaching with the needs of children from a migrant background in mind are underway.
This initiative represents a significant step toward fostering inclusive education, providing educators with tools to navigate linguistic and cultural diversity, and contributing to achieving broader societal goals. The emphasis on practical resources and training workshops demonstrates a commitment to translating research into tangible benefits for teachers and students.

This book is a key intellectual output from an EU funded K2 Erasmus + Strategic partnership (School Education) project: Majority and Minority Languages in School Environments: Helping teachers, pupils and parents (MaMLiSE, 2020-1-PL01-KA201-081612).
Free to Download at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/book/10.14220/9783737015639.

Free access to the workshop materials and resources at the following link:
I hold a Ph.D. in Intercultural Communication & Understanding and Foreign Language Pedagogy from the University of Kassel, Germany (magna cum laude). I also have a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from University College Dublin, Ireland as well as secondary school teaching qualifications and a degree ​in German and History from the University of Galway, Ireland. I also hold qualifications in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and in Information and Communication Technology for Education Purposes (ICT). I hold a qualification in Communication Studies. ​In addition to my educational qualifications, I am multilingual, with fluency English, Gaeilge, German and French. I possess several language-related qualifications from higher education institutions such as Cologne University, Bochum University, Goethe Institut, and Kassel University in Germany.
I am an associate Professor in Education at the School of Education in the University of Limerick. ​Before joining the University of Limerick, I was a secondary school teacher, teaching German, History, and Information and Communication Technology for thirteen years. As a teacher, I received several national awards, including an eTwinning award (European Commission) for innovative pedagogy by enhancing learning through digital technologies and an award for an initiative for embedding global perspectives in the curriculum.
I am the eTwinning/Erasmus Ambassador for Initial Teacher Education in Ireland. In this capacity, I promote the eTwinning programme to teachers and teacher educators, providing pedagogical and technical support to schools and teachers. eTwinning facilitates international exchanges, peer learning, multidisciplinary learning, and innovative pedagogy. It contributes to the development of intercultural and digital skills, aligning with several core priorities of national and international education policies seeking to harness the potential of digital technologies to enhance education and citizenship.

Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement (SATLE) Project Presentation to the Centre for Transformative Learning at the University of Limerick, 2021
Contact Details
School of Education, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Limerick, Ireland